Michelle and Peter's Lucas Confectionery Wedding 1.0
This Lucas Confectionery Wedding day came together in a short 72 hours after a crazy hunt for the grooms birth certificate that included stalking their mailman and eventually hitting up a local mail sorting location to be able to get their marriage license in time! It was nerve-wracking, yet they made it so entertaining via our group chat with selfies of the mailman stalking and the eventual success of them holding the envelope they needed. The rush in planning was to ensure Michelle’s dad would be able to give her away at her wedding day, which he was!! They exchanged vows privately before their official ceremony, Michelle walked down the aisle by her dad, sweet words exchanged, all with the company of their closest families and friends surrounding them. It was PERFECT!
How They Met, From Michelle: Peter and I met in law school in 2014! We had a class together called Conflicts of Law with Professor Hutter. I thought Peter was really weird, haha! We went our separate ways after law school and then reconnected in Troy in February 2017. I had just left a job and he started at that same job just 2 months later! We shared a mutual love for criminal law and crispy chicken wings. We officially started dating in July 2017, and the rest is history. I moved into his studio apartment shortly thereafter (literally, a month later) because my apartment lease in Troy was up, and we learned that if you can live with someone in a 500 sq foot room without killing them, you can do anything!
Peter is the most supportive, loving, and unwavering partner that I could ever ask for. The world needs more of what he’s got and I am so lucky to have him!